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Shapiro – January 2025 Market Insights - Logo
Uncategorized / 01.16

Shapiro – January 2025 Market Insights

When analyzing the economy and where it's going, I like to take into consideration inflation, tariffs, immigration, employment, interest rates, government spending and black swans. All of these things help us make business decisions.
Uncategorized / 12.12

Shapiro – December 2024 Market Insights

After the election, pollsters began reporting that the business climate had improved. Polls were taken by the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants of 270 executives and another by Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business of 500 executives in collaboration with The Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta and Richmond.
Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights / 11.15

Shapiro – November 2024 Market Insights

The title for the October Market Insights was from James Carville in 1992 telling Bill Clinton “It’s the economy, stupid.” For the 2024 election, I said “It’s inflation, stupid.” Americans, no matter what income level, reacted overwhelmingly to inflation and higher prices by voting for a change. Other reasons paled in comparison. Hello President Trump.
Uncategorized / 10.23

Shapiro – Octubre de 2024 Market Insights

En 1992, Bill Clinton le preguntó a su estratega en jefe, James Carville, cuál era el principal problema de los votantes. Carville respondió: “Es la economía, estúpida”. Este año Carville probablemente respondería: “Es la inflación, estúpida”. Además, en 1992, debido a la recesión y al candidato de un tercer partido, Ross Perot, que le quitó votos a Bush, Clinton ganó. Curiosamente, la economía en realidad se estaba recuperando en 1992, y cuando Clinton asumió el cargo en 1993, la economía se estaba expandiendo y no tenía nada que ver con Clinton.
Uncategorized / 10.11

Shapiro – October 2024 Market Insights

In 1992, Bill Clinton asked his chief strategist, James Carville, what was the main voter issue. Carville answered, “It’s the economy, stupid.” This year Carville would probably answer “It's inflation, stupid.” Also, in 1992, because of the recession and third-party candidate Ross Perot taking votes from Bush, Clinton won. Interestingly, the economy was actually recovering in 1992, and by the time Clinton took office in 1993, the economy was expanding and it had nothing to do with Clinton
Uncategorized / 09.30

Shapiro – Septiembre de 2024 Market Insights

El Cielo No Se Está Cayendo Lecciones que podemos aprender de Henny Penny Por si te perdiste la edición del mes de Septiembre de 2024 de mis Notas de Mercado ¡El cielo no se está cayendo! Henny Penny es una historia de un cuento de hadas británico de hace 200 años. En la versión estadounidense, se llama Chicken Little. Un día, Henny Penny está picoteando maíz en el patio de la granja cuando, ¡ZAZ!, una bellota cae sobre su cabeza. Ella cree que el desastre es inminente. ¿Escuchar anuncios políticos y leer las noticias te hace sentir que el cielo se está cayendo?
Uncategorized / 09.12

Shapiro – September 2024 Market Insights

Henny Penny is a story from a 200-year-old British fairy tale. In the American version, she is called Chicken Little. One day Henny Penny is pecking corn in the farmyard when – WHACK! an acorn falls on her head. She believes that disaster is imminent. Does listening to political ads and reading the news make you feel like the sky is falling?
Uncategorized / 08.23

Shapiro – Agosto de 2024 Market Insights

Vivimos en tiempos aterradores e impredecibles. En el mes de Julio, el expresidente Donald Trump sobrevivió a un intento de asesinato por parte de un pistolero solitario, pero murieron dos asistentes. Una semana después, el presidente Biden, que se mostró desafiante en cuanto a que no renunciaría a la candidatura, cambió de opinión y pasó la antorcha a su vicepresidenta, Kamala Harris.
Uncategorized / 08.14

Shapiro – August 2024 Market Insights

We live in scary, unpredictable times. In July, former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt by a lone gunman, but two rally attendees were killed. A week later, President Biden, who was defiant that he would not step down, changed his mind and passed the torch to his Vice President, Kamala Harris.
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