
Our experience and strategic approach help us anticipate and seize the opportunities created by metal market trends.

Rolloffs with a Cause: Year-Round Breast Cancer Awareness - Logo
News / Blog / 10.01

Rolloffs with a Cause: Year-Round Breast Cancer Awareness

Plant Manager Tim Weber’s mother, one of 3.8 million breast cancer survivors in the US, inspired the Shapiro team to take action and create a traveling breast cancer awareness campaign.
News / Blog / 06.27

What is Greenwashing? And Why it Matters in Manufacturing

ESG reporting is bringing a new level of transparency to the supply chain and more buying power to the hands of consumers and investors…but will it have any impact on greenwashing?
Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights, Market Insights / 05.25

Traduccion 5 Mayo 2022

Como diría Bob Dylan, no hace falta ser un meteorólogo para saber en qué dirección sopla el viento. Los efectos de la guerra de Putin en Ucrania, los cierres provocados por la pandemia en China y la alta inflación están causando estragos en todo el mundo desde el punto de vista humanitario y económico. En un artículo de opinión en el The Wall Street Journal, Shirley Yu, investigadora principal de la Escuela Kennedy de Harvard, afirma que ninguno de los factores actuales estancará el crecimiento global a largo plazo. Más bien, acelerarán el crecimiento, impulsados por el creciente compromiso mundial de invertir en tecnología e innovación a medida que nos desglobalizamos. Seguro espero eso. Este es un artículo fascinante si tienes la oportunidad de leerlo.
Uncategorized / 05.13

Shapiro Metals- May Market Insights

As Bob Dylan would say, it doesn’t take a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowin’. The effects of the Putin war in Ukraine, pandemic-prompted lockdowns in China, and high inflation are wreaking havoc throughout the world on a humanitarian and economic basis.
Uncategorized / 03.17

Shapiro Metals – March Market Insights

The war in Ukraine has become a global crisis creating seismic shifts in nations’ economies. Putin murdering innocent Ukrainian people for reasons that only make sense to him has caused a humanitarian nightmare. Europe, the U.S., the U.K., and the rest of world joined together and are standing up to him and will stop him.
Uncategorized / 02.10

Shapiro Metals- February Market Insights

Bad news is everywhere. The issues we face continue to be high Covid levels, labor shortages, volatility, surging inflation, and supply chain and logistics issues. Many families also face the daily stress of educating their children and taking care of family members. The stock market has corrected by 10% and consumer confidence dropped.
Uncategorized / 12.15

Shapiro Metals- December Market Insights

Fed Chair Jerome Powell has come to the conclusion that the issues we have been battling for over a year with supply chain, labor shortages, logistics, and high commodity prices are no longer transitory. Duh! Massive government stimulus efforts have fueled the economy to keep it from sinking, and there is still a lot of accumulated savings to keep the economy going for another few years. We have also been propelled by the pandemic shift from services to durable goods.
Uncategorized / 11.18

Notas de Mercado Novimbre del 2021

A partir de 1947 y hasta 1973, la Fuerza Aérea probo aviones nuevos y más rápidos que rompieron la barrera del sonido cuando viajaba a velocidades superiores a las 750 millas por hora. Cuando hacían esto, las ondas de choque de aire crearon fuertes ruidos que sonaban como explosiones a diferentes momentos. Para cuando se escuchaba la explosión, el avión ya se había ido. Fue divertido escucharlo cuando era niño, pero muy molesto para los adultos. El año pasado, Covid-19 desencadeno una serie de eventos disruptivos que comparo con explosiones sónicas.
Market Insights / 11.16

Shapiro Metals- November Market Insights

Starting in 1947 and lasting until 1973, the Air Force tested new, faster planes that broke the sound barrier when they traveled at speeds faster than 750 miles per hour. When they did this, air shock waves created loud booms that sounded like explosions at random times. By the time you heard the boom, the plane was long gone. It was fun to hear as a kid but very annoying to adults. Last year, Covid-19 set off a series of disruptive events that I liken to sonic booms. 
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