As Shapiro celebrates its 120th anniversary, our transition from junk peddler to scrap dealer to recycler and now to sustainability partner was not imaginable when we began. I have so much to be grateful for. Growing up, I was taught first to treat other people the way you want to be treated. That principle has served me well. I am blessed to be surrounded by an outstanding team of people at Shapiro. This golden rule applies to our partnerships too. Treating others with kindness works.
My story is typical of many who immigrated to the United States. Like most, at that time, they came here seeking a better life for themselves and their families. My grandfather and his brother came to the United States as teenagers in 1901. As Jews from Eastern Europe, they were escaping antisemitism and physical persecution. They believed in the American dream of independence to practice their religion, educate their children and give them opportunities to succeed. Unfortunately, not everyone was presented with the same rights as my family. Many years before, people from Africa were brought here as slaves and were denied those privileges.
Our country just celebrated Independence Day. It is important to remember that freedom isn’t free. Let’s not forget those Americans who have fought to maintain our independence. Our duty as citizens is to honor those soldiers and protect the Constitution and Bill of Rights they fought to preserve.
I am grateful to those who take the time to read the MI and look forward to your feedback each month. Nothing makes me happier than to hear from you.
Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you in August!