We’re Ready When You’re Ready: Connecting in the New Normal
One of the things our team enjoys the most is visiting with manufacturers to help them solve problems and improve their sustainability programs. We learn something new from every facility tour, and seeing operations firsthand helps us design the very best recycling program for each unique customer we serve.
Obviously, things have changed in 2020. As we adjust to life in the pandemic, our team has adapted the ways in which we connect. We visit plants in person wearing PPE and practicing social distancing, we connect virtually through Microsoft Teams and Zoom, and some say they’d rather wait to see us until after they’ve weathered this storm.
To help our prospective customers and partners stay safe, we’ve also been providing on-the-go safety kits that include cloth face coverings, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer, and other items.
If you’re thinking about connecting with us, the bottom line is we’re ready when you’re ready…and we’re ready to connect in the way that works best for you and your team. To locate your Shapiro representative, follow the prompts in our easy-to-use online tool and we’ll get in touch with you!